- Go With the Flo™ by the Northwest Design Invitational (NDI) Toilet
- Herbeau Dagobert Wooden Throne Toilet
- Luxury Gold Toilet Seat by Lineatre
- Toto Toilet Miyabi
- Ultra Modern Toilet designed by INAX in matte black
- Ultra Modern Toilet designed by INAX Automatic cleaning & music plaing abilities
- Washlet by Toto Designer toilet Seat
The Throne in your Bathroom
This object is usually avoided in the conversations and hidden behind closed doors but still it’s one of the most important things in your home. Yes, you guessed it right, it’s THE toilet. Paying homage to the popularity of this product, designers always came up with fresh ideas to create a suitable throne for any style and taste.
1. A team of ASU College of Design students and faculty were recognized this spring for their transgenerational toilet design concept, Go With the Flo™ by the Northwest Design Invitational (NDI). The Flo™ toilet is an ergonomic, sustainable design concept for baby boomers that functions like a squat toilet. Designers maintain that using the Flo™ toilet is akin to yoga – by building and strengthening abdominal and back muscles. Only one-half to one gallon of water is used for flushing and The Flo™ reuses water from hand washing. To flush water from the tanks to the toilet, the Flo™ employs an electromagnetic ball valve that uses electromagnets. Go With the Flo™ also is free of mechanical parts. The toilet is fully self-sustaining and independent of electric power.
As strange and unusual as it may seem today t might become the toilet of the future, at least this is what the designers are hoping for. In any case, it looks very modern and original.
2.Ultra Modern Toilet designed by INAX. Not only do they look absolutely stunning, they self clean automatically and play music for your entertainment.
3.Stylish and elegant, Toto designed toilet Miyabi will look gorgeous in any bathroom, and they also have an excellent reputation.
4.A throne fit for a king? Right on! Herbeau came up with a wooden Throne Toilet, Dagobert, that could definitely satisfy even most disciminative royal taste, at least if you are looking for something original for your bathroom.
5.No Bidet? No problem. An automatic toilet seat Washlet by Toto – S400 – is a perfect substitution for a somewhat outdated accessory.