Lights Over Lapland photographer Chad Blakley captured this amazing view of the aurora borealis in Sweden on January 24th, 2012. The January 23rd solar flare and ensuing coronal mass ejection are the ‘lighting engineers’ of this incredible display. Credit: Chad Blakley www.lightsoverlapland.com
Northern lights is juzt this power that cimes frim massive energy like for example the sun and when it errupts sometimez. Idk what effects there may be but I’m pretty sure there harmeless. The green is oxygen so its like its giving us a boost of clean air thay hapoenz rarely
Lights over LaPPLAND
Wow so pretty the world and universe is just amazing wish I could see one in person as well.
These are the one things I want to see before i die.
What affect does a solar storm do to our planet earth?
I wish I could see one in person
the gods of sovengrade are watching us. may the nine divine bless us all.
Thx Chad – breathtaking time sequenced movie – we eventually saw them yesterday (1st March 2012) and some amazing shots after your advice on how to setup the camera.
All the best, Robin & Karen.
Wow! Beautiful. About 2 days ago I saw some great Northern Lights. The sky was just filled and it was a clear night. I’ve seen them my whole life and I’m still captivated by them. Awesome video. 🙂
I wish I could find a video similar to what I saw; green stripes from North to South moving over-heard very fast, like being inside a cat’s-eye marble rolling across the floor, it made me dizzy.
this onewas caused by a solar storm on jan 24th go look it up
its called aurora. it happens every year
Yes, 2012 is the year of Dragon.
Yep all the lies are going away and true lifes coming back to earth real life. Thank you this video was great, inspirational to me