Fake it till you make it – 7 closet organization secrets


Most of us, including me, lust the comfort that money brings into one’s life. We imagine all the great things that come with success and often forget that some of the things that can be bought with money can be achieved by little tricks, a bit of imagination and some work you put into it. Here comes my new rubric: Fake it till you make it – 7 secrets. I’ll try to share my ideas on how to achieve the look, comfort and convenience without spending a fortune and breaking your bank.
First, the closet… Please click trough the gallery for some ideas on how to fake it in the closet.

Closet Organisation – 9 signs it’s long overdue

Messy Closet

Closet Organization is one of the most important things you can do to make your life easier. It’s also one of the things that a lot of us seem to put off to another day, sometimes we just don’t have enough time to take care of “little” things. Well, if you anser yes to some of the following questions, closet organization should go on your list of the immediate tasks.

  1. Every time you need to choose an outfit you need Continue reading